Racquet Sports Training – Level #3

Racquet Sports Training – Level #3 Exercise #5
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Listening In Open Focus – Level 3

Listening In Open Focus – Level #3 Exercise
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The Effects of Electrode Placement Upon EEG Biofeedback Training: The Monopolar-Bipolar Controversy

Roles of tradition, convenience, and noise or artifact rejection are discussed with regard to the monopolar versus bipolar electrode placement controversy in electroencephalography (EEG). Particular emphasis is placed on the relevance to biofeedback. The crucial interactions between the differential amplifier, brain waves, and monopolar/bipolar placements are discussed. Through logical analysis and empirical observation, it is demonstrated how the very nature of the EEG’s differential amplifiers must destroy elements of brain activity which are common to the recording electrodes. Controlled experiments further illustrate the critical importance of electrode placements. Various methods, including preferred electrode placements, are presented to help resolve recording problems that frequently arise. It is concluded that there are serious implications for researchers, EEG clinicians, biofeedback providers, and their clients in preferring one type of electrode placement technique over the other. EEG recording accracy is affected by this choice.

Positive Outcome with Neurofeedback Treatment In A Mild Case of Autsim

This article looks at the experience of Frankie, an autistic 8 1/2 year old boy. He was diagnosed mildly autistic by several specialists. One specialist claimed he was brain damaged and “autistic-like” and that there was no hope for improvement. At Frankie’s mothers request, neurotherapy diagnosis and treatment was begun. After 31 sessions, Frankie showed positive changes in all the diagnostic dimensions defining autism in DSM-III-R. This has profound implications for treatment in a field with few low-risk alternatives

OPEN FOCUS Attention and Neurofeedback Synchrony Training – Clinical Results and their Significance.

Previous research on information processing by the human brain prompted the need for further investigation of synchronized alpha brain wave activity at five loci. The results of this investigation indicated that a particular form of attention was associated with production of whole brain synchrony. Furthermore, it was found that learning to develop this form of attending coupled with the regular practice of multichannel alpha brain wave synchrony were a highly effective means of resolving many common stress related disorders. Analysis of 132 cases using this dual approach of systematic
attention training and brain wave therapy found that more than 90% of the patients reported an alleviation of symptoms. These initial positive results with stress induced headache, joint pain, and gastrointestinal diseases were subsequently extended by Dr. Fehmi and others to treatment of diseases involving maladaptive immune responses, addictive behavior, attentional deficit problems, post traumatic stress disorder and epilepsy. It was also observed that levels of intellectual functioning and artistic and athletic performance were improved.

The authors propose that there exists a common mechanism operating in these widely different successful applications, to wit, attentional flexibility which is enhanced by systematic practice of audio taped exercises and neurofeedback therapy. Patients who participated in this program reported experiencing a release from their symptoms and conditional responses. The possible significance of this “release experience” is discussed and neurofeedback and OPEN FOCUS training are compared to other interventions which rely on peripheral modalities of biofeedback.