Kim H.

I am continuing to have great success. The other day I was having a really awful day and feeling very stressed out. I put the trainer (Synchrony Trainer) on and my husband could see and hear a visible shift in my mood. Within ten minutes I was ready to get going again. Also, I have been working on a database for work, and I have really been struggling with brain fog, which is why I finally decided I had to buy one of my own. Last week I was programming at a level I have not seen in twenty years. Probably five times faster than the way I have been working. I got sick over the weekend so things have slowed down a bit, but still two or three times faster than I was doing it before. I am not sure why this has taken me so much longer than it does for others, but my guess is because I am dissociated (I am becoming much less so.)  I would love to find a way to help others with dissociation so they could get results from the trainer more quickly than I have.